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Painting Levels

Basic Level:


This is the lowest level offered by FTGT Painting. Basic Level consists of a single primary color and one to two other colors used to pick out some details. 

Tabletop Level:


Tabletop Level consists of a single primary color applied in two or three gradients or a single color and wash or drybrush for depth. Some details are picked out. 

Tabletop Plus Level:


The most popular level, Tabletop plus adds highlights and shading, more colors and details compared to the Tabletop Level, balancing increased details with a reasonable price point. 

Advanced Level:


Advanced includes 2-3 gradients on all details and includes some advanced techniques like Object Source Lighting and Freehand designs. 

GW Display Level:


This level strives to replicate the style and schemes used by Games Workshop in many of their example armies. This includes use of washes and multiple line/edge highlights. 

Display Level:


Display level features multiple levels of shading and highlights, advanced techniques, and all details painted individually. Despite the title, miniatures painted at this level are not "award-winning" caliber miniatures, but would be good centerpieces to a larger force, or do justice to an important character or large model. 

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